Persona 3 Reload - Uma visão geral

Persona 3 Reload - Uma visão geral

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You can work a part-time job at a coffee shop, dine out at one of several local eateries, perform karaoke at a dedicated bar, or tend to your rooftop garden, and those are just a few of the more than a dozen different options that slowly reveal themselves as you progress through the 50+ hour story.   

This is essentially the game’s version of New Game Plus (NG+) and is a good way to unlock any trophies and achievements you missed on your first run to get cem% completion.

The ability to order party members to split up to search the current floor has been removed. Instead, there's now a chance for a party member to request to search the next floor up alone.

An em linha network feature has been added, where the correct answers of class questions can be reviewed and statistics of players' actions for the day can be seen.

Additionally, request pelo longer require to be accepted and are all open from the beginning based on availability.

Mitsuru has lost her self-confidence following her father's death, and has instead accepted a life of support by those around her.

While your crew doesn’t gain experience unless they’re in your party, grinding isn’t as necessary anymore. After spending a new in-game currency to open special chests, there’s a chance to unlock an additional room in which you can boost the level of two characters at a time to catch up with the rest.

. I noticed that physical damage was still divided into three types (strike, slash, and pierce), which was a system dropped by later games, though. I didn’t perform a baton pass, but was told by an Atlus representative that the feature has been added to battles. And Shuffle Time, the post-battle reward system where players must pick their desired loot from a card shuffling shell game, now simply allowed me to select the reward card I wanted.

Be sure to come into these post-game fights with your best Personas and gear in addition to the party being at a considerably high level.

After awakening to his Persona abilities, he joins SEES of his own accord. While he strives to act mature with his mannerisms, deep down he is still a child with a passion for superhero TV shows.

Find out what Merciless difficulty is in Persona 3 Reload and how various difficulties differ from each other in this guide.

He is an intelligent young man who specializes in data analysis and runs the Revenge Request website for Strega's activities.

He then claims that a magnificent being is the only salvation for humanity, which is identified as Nyx. Takaya then states that he has received a blessing from Nyx, and has learned of her divine power. He further manipulates the public by stating that there are also 'those Persona 3 who have been blessed by Nyx' that use this 'blessing' for their own selfish goals. SEES deduces that Takaya is attempting to make the public hate SEES by stating that they are, in fact, the ones responsible for everything.

Mechanics and user interfaces have been brushed up along with fine tuning of the game to improve the player experience.

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